2024 C Division Girls League 3 -Champion
CCA Beliefs
We aim to achieve a balanced and well-rounded education beyond school
level, to inculcate sound moral values and fair play, to develop strength
of character, and to foster team spirit amongst our members. Badminton
is a fast paced sport which requires not only agility and power but also
high mental endurance. Seng Kang Badminton’s vision is to equip our athletes
with skills and techniques that a good badminton player should have. At
the same time, we hope to instil character building through fair play and
sportsmanship so that our students will be prepared to take on any new
challenges in various modes of play and competitions.
CCA Training Sessions
Every Wednesdays: 3.00 to 6.00 pm
Odd Fridays: 1.30 to 4.30 pm
Teachers in charge
Name/Designation |
Email Address |
Mrs Quek Soo Kim (OIC) | |
Mr David Kelvin Vaithilingam | |
Mr Leong Soo Ching | |